At Triad Pediatric Dentistry we will always have your best interest in mind by prioritizing your kids' oral and overall health. It is of utmost importance that your kids' teeth are in tip-top condition and we will ensure this is accomplished as well as maintained in the safest manner possible.

We are continuing to follow the guidelines set by American Dental Association in order to help flatten the curve and do our best to care well for your kids as well.

We wish you the best of health and safety!

Team @ Triad Pediatric Dentistry
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2707-C Pinedale Road , Greensboro , NC 27408 Centrally Located Off Of Battleground Avenue Second Opinions Welcome
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Dental Emergencies

dental emergencies handled by Sona J. Isharani, DDS in greensboro nc

First Aid for Dental Emergencies

Toothache – Gently clean the affected area. If necessary, use dental floss to remove impacted food. Use a warm water mouth rinse. Contact Triad Pediatric Dentistry if pain continues. Do not apply heat or place aspirin on the aching tooth or the gum. If there is facial swelling, cool compresses may be applied, and please contact the dentist right away.

Bitten or cut lip, tongue, or cheek – Ice will help to control swelling at the injured area. Use gentle, firm pressure applied with a gauze pad or cloth to stop bleeding. If bleeding cannot be controlled, visit your hospital emergency room, or call your physician.

Avulsed (knocked out) permanent tooth – Find the tooth, if possible. Do not touch the root – hold it by the crown. If the tooth is soiled, clean it with water only. Do not handle the tooth any more than necessary, scrub it, or apply soap. If the tooth is sound (does not have fractures) replace it in the socket. Have the child bite gently on a gauze pad to hold the tooth in place. Otherwise, transport the tooth in a cup of milk or the patient’s saliva. If the child is old enough to avoid risk of choking, the tooth may be carried in his or her mouth, between the cheek and gum. Time is critical to saving the tooth – call and see Dr. Sona immediately!

Knocked out baby tooth – Contact Triad Pediatric Dentistry during business hours. Usually no treatment is needed, and the situation is not an emergency.

Fractured or chipped permanent tooth – Call Dr. Sona right away. The tooth may be saved with fast action, reducing the potential for extensive dental treatment and avoiding infection. Meanwhile, have the child rinse his or her mouth with water. If there is swelling, apply cold compresses. Save tooth fragments, if possible, and give them to the dentist.

Damaged baby tooth – For a chipped or fractured tooth, call the Triad Pediatric Dentistry office at (336) 804-8668.

Head injury – If the impact was significant, please take your child to the nearest hospital emergency room immediately.

Possible fractured or broken jaw – Try to prevent the child from moving the jaw. Go to the nearest hospital emergency room.

The team at Triad Pediatric Dentistry in Greensboro, NC is ready to assist when dental emergencies occur. You can count on Dr. Isharani for compassion and efficient treatment.

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Triad Pediatric Dentistry
Rating : 5 5 Stars
Dominique C.

10 stars!! The experience was amazing! My son is 15months this was his first denist appointment and it went so smoothly with no tears! The staff was so sweet and knowledgeable, definitely the WOW factor!

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Sona J. Isharani, DDS

Sona J. Isharani, DDS

Board-certified Pediatric Dentist Dr. Sona Isharani completed her undergraduate and graduate studies and received her dental degree from University of North Carolina, her certificate in Pediatric Dentistry from University of Maryland, and a Fellowship at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. She specializes in early infant oral dental care, exams, and prevention. She’s trusted by children and their parents.

Dr. Isharani is assisted by a team of professionals including a dental anesthesiologist, who keep the children of Greensboro, NC smiling.