Gentle emergency dental care for kids in Greensboro, NC
Kids are always on the move. It is a product of their natural curiosity, and terrific for physical development and fitness. Yet from toddlers to teens, that trait puts children at risk for dental emergencies. As a mother herself, Dr. Sona Isharani understands how stressful the situation can be. She and her emergency dental care team in Greensboro, NC work quickly, calmly, and with compassion to get your child out of peril and smiling again.

When is it an emergency?
While it can be quite upsetting to see your child in discomfort, not every oral problem is an emergency. We find that handling a non-urgent situation at a scheduled appointment during regular business hours is actually soothing, compared to rushing the child into the office in a swirl of emotion.
This type of problem generally involves:
- Mild or intermittent toothache.
- Chipped or fractured tooth.
- Mouth ulcer.
- Minor soft tissue injury to tongue, inside of cheek, or lip.
- Small object stuck between teeth.
- Loose filling, crown, or orthodontic appliance.
As a general rule, if a dental problem has your child in acute pain, he appears to have a broken jaw or nose, or you have difficulty controlling bleeding, you should go to the nearest hospital emergency department as quickly as possible.
Between those two scenarios are dental emergencies that call for Dr. Isharani’s prompt attention. The most pressing is a tooth knocked loose or completely avulsed. It is essential to have the doctor replace and splint the tooth quickly for the greatest chance of saving it. A bad break or fracture, or a painful abscess also warrant emergency dental care. Please call the office right away so we can meet you in the reception area.
Why kids don’t fear emergency dental care in Greensboro, NC
Dr. Isharani is Board certified in pediatric dentistry, with many hours of specialized training in the clinical treatment of children’s mouths and instruction in the psychology of caring for children – vital in high-stress emergency situations. Her comforting manner and competency put patients and their parents at ease.
Dr. Isharani welcomes new pediatric patients. Call (336) 282-7870 for an urgent or scheduled visit.
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