At Triad Pediatric Dentistry we will always have your best interest in mind by prioritizing your kids' oral and overall health. It is of utmost importance that your kids' teeth are in tip-top condition and we will ensure this is accomplished as well as maintained in the safest manner possible.

We are continuing to follow the guidelines set by American Dental Association in order to help flatten the curve and do our best to care well for your kids as well.

We wish you the best of health and safety!

Team @ Triad Pediatric Dentistry
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What You Need to Know About Preventing Dental Decay in Your Infant or Young Child

The oral hygiene of your children is crucial. You may think that, just because they have a mouth full of baby teeth, dental health issues may not be a big deal at a young age. This has been proven incorrect. When dental health issues are not taken care of and allowed to progress, the development of your child’s dental health could be put in jeopardy. This includes tooth decay. If your child has a cavity, tooth-colored composite fillings, as offered by Dr. Sona Isharani at Triad Pediatric Dentistry, located in the Greensboro, North Carolina area, are a great way to restore the tooth. Having decay removed and then a composite filling put in place will help minimize the risk of future dental developmental issues. 

Tooth Colored Composite Filling in Greensboro NC Area

A Common Issue 

We all know kids love chocolate, candy, and other sweets. In fact, we know adults love them as well! It can be challenging to resist the wonderfully sweet taste. Sweet treats can, unfortunately, lead to dental decay. Tooth decay is one of the most common dental health issues children face. While you may think that decay will go away on its own once the decaying baby tooth falls out and is replaced by a permanent tooth, the reality is that it can actually lead to some real long-term dental health concerns. This makes preventing tooth decay incredibly important and, if decay occurs, having it removed immediately before it can progress. You want your child to grow up with a strong, healthy, and beautiful smile, so this is a crucial matter. Let us learn a bit about tooth decay and how it can affect your child. 

Tooth Decay

As an adult, you have had your dentist say it to you, and in an attempt to have your child brush their teeth, you have likely told them that you would get cavities if you do not brush. When you eat and drink sugary foods, bacteria nesting in the mouth will begin to feed on the residue left behind and convert into an acid that will attack your teeth. Over time, cavities will develop, which, when left untreated, turn into decay. It does not take much at all for this process to take place. Eating or drinking just one sugary food or drink can allow acid to attack teeth for 20 minutes or more. 

The Myth of Decay and Infants 

You may have heard that an infant cannot develop tooth decay. This is untrue! Tooth decay can affect a tooth in any stage of development. While it may be surprising to hear that a baby as early as six months old with a single tooth could develop tooth decay, it is an actual possibility. Tooth decay can be extremely uncomfortable and even painful for a baby if left untreated. It can cause infection, which could then spread and eventually destroy the baby teeth. It can also lead to difficulty eating. Nutrients are crucial to the development of your infant, toddler, or child. It could lead to developmental issues when they do not want to eat because of painful tooth decay. 

A Lasting Impact 

Baby teeth are for more than just chewing – they hold space in your child’s developing jaw so that their permanent teeth may grow in properly. When decay destroys a tooth and it falls out, it can cause the remaining teeth to drift into the newly created space. This can negatively impact the growth of future permanent teeth, resulting in crowded or crooked teeth. This is not just a cosmetic problem either. Crowded or crooked teeth can be harder to keep clean and healthy. 

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Keeping Baby Teeth Clean 

Even before an infant’s first tooth breaks through, their mouths need to be cleaned after each feeding. This can be done using a clean wet washcloth to gently wipe the gums. Once the first tooth breaks through, you can begin to brush twice a day. Make sure you use a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste. Apply toothpaste to the brush (about the size of a grain of rice if under three years old and pea-sized if under 6) and gently brush the teeth. This time with your child can be an excellent opportunity to teach proper brushing habits to your child. It is also essential to teach them not to rush the process so that plaque buildup can be prevented. 

Regular Dental Visits 

It is recommended that you take your baby in for their first dental visit when their initial tooth breaks through or near their first birthday, whichever occurs first. The earlier your child begins seeing the dentist, the better it will be for their oral health. Even at this very early age, a pediatric dentist can check for early signs of decay and track your baby’s dental development. If you want to learn more about how you can help your child avoid the development of tooth decay and how a composite tooth-colored filling can help, please reach out to Triad Pediatric Dentistry. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Sona Isharani, please call (336) 282-7870.


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Triad Pediatric Dentistry
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Kelly P.

My girls are 4 and 2. Dr. Sona did a great job with both of them and explaining everything that we need to be doing at home.

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Sona J. Isharani, DDS

Sona J. Isharani, DDS

Board-certified Pediatric Dentist Dr. Sona Isharani completed her undergraduate and graduate studies and received her dental degree from University of North Carolina, her certificate in Pediatric Dentistry from University of Maryland, and a Fellowship at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. She specializes in early infant oral dental care, exams, and prevention. She’s trusted by children and their parents.

Dr. Isharani is assisted by a team of professionals including a dental anesthesiologist, who keep the children of Greensboro, NC smiling.

Shima Ghattan, DMD, MPH

Shima Ghattan, DMD, MPH

Shima Ghattan, DMD, MPH, is a compassionate dentist who loves working with children. She pursued her education at North Carolina State University, earning degrees in Biological Sciences, Human Biology, and Nutrition Science. She earned her Doctor of Dental Medicine and a Master’s in Public Health at A.T. Still University - Arizona School of Dentistry.
Dr. Ghattan is known for her playful approach, making dental visits fun for kids. She is a trusted member of the American Dental Association, North Carolina Dental Society, and Delta Omega-Delta Gamma (Public Health Honorary Society).