Stop asking yourself, How do I find a kid dentist near me in Greensboro and call Triad Pediatric Dentistry today!
There are many of Greensboro residents who ask, “How do I find a kid dentist near me?” How do you choose? Having a child involves many difficult decisions, and finding the right dentist is one of them. End that search today and visit Dr. Sona Isharani. Dr. Isharani is a board certified pediatric dentist and also a mother, so she knows the love and care that every child deserves.

Dr. Isharani recommends seeing infants by their first birthday, which is along the same guidelines of the American Academy of Pediatrics and American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry. Infants may begin to see their primary teeth as early as six months of age and most toddlers have all 20 of their primary teeth by three years of age. While these primary teeth serve as a placeholder for permanent teeth they can play a vital role in oral health and overall health in general. This is why it is extremely important to get your child on a regular preventative dental schedule early in life. Just a few of the services offered by Dr. Isharani are:
- Infant oral exam
- Preventative care
- Crowns
- Extractions
- Sedation
- Dental emergencies
Going to the dentist can be fearful for anyone, especially children. It is our goal to offer a relaxed atmosphere and gentle approach to both the child and the parent. We want to take the fear and anxiety out of going to the dentist so that everyone has a positive experience.
If you are in Greensboro or the surrounding area, stop asking yourself “How do I find a kid dentist near me?” and call Triad Pediatric Dentistry. Being a mother herself she understands the questions a parent may have and knows how to gently approach pediatric dentistry. Call our office today at (336) 282-7870 to schedule an appointment.
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