At Triad Pediatric Dentistry we will always have your best interest in mind by prioritizing your kids' oral and overall health. It is of utmost importance that your kids' teeth are in tip-top condition and we will ensure this is accomplished as well as maintained in the safest manner possible.

We are continuing to follow the guidelines set by American Dental Association in order to help flatten the curve and do our best to care well for your kids as well.

We wish you the best of health and safety!

Team @ Triad Pediatric Dentistry
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Dentist in Greensboro, NC educating parents on the benefits of habit appliances for children

As children begin to age, there are certain habits which should be left behind, including pacifier use and thumb sucking. It can be worrisome to parents when their children are unable to give up these habits. That is compounded by information (which can sometimes be wrong, so be careful with what you read) regarding side-effects of these habits when maintained over a prolonged period. Dr. Sona Isharani offers habit appliances for children which will assist in the eradication of these habits. Triad Pediatric Dentistry has been offering such appliances to patients in Greensboro, NC with great success.

Dentist in Greensboro, Nc Area Educating Parents on the Benefits of Habit Appliances for Children

Such habits as pacifier use and thumb sucking are entirely normal for infants. To infants, it’s an instinct to suck, but as your child ages and it becomes more of a bad habit, there are some dental issues that can result from it, including malocclusion (improper bite). At this time, a habit-breaking appliance may become necessary.

What is a Habit Breaking Appliance?

Habit breaking appliances come in a variety of forms, both removable and fixed. Many dentists find that fixed appliances result in better success because it is not dependent on a child having to follow instructions to wear it. It is put into place and it remains there for approximately a year until the habit is fully broken.

Habit breaking appliances meant to end thumb sucking or tongue thrusting are made of a thin, metal wire which is bonded behind the back molars. This allows for your child to be able to smile without the appliance being visible and it won’t interfere with eating. With many types of appliances, the tongue crib is put into place to take away the enjoyment of thumb sucking by preventing the tongue or finger from meeting the back of the front teeth and palate.

What to Expect

Habit breaking appliances are pain free and cause no discomfort when wearing. Your child’s tongue may continually hit against it as they adjust to sharing the space with the appliance in the mouth. This should resolve itself quickly. As this is meant to break these habits, your child may become cranky as they are unable to properly suck on their thumb to self-soothe. This too shall pass as your child is able to develop new methods for comfort.

If you are interested in learning more about habit appliances, please give Dr. Sona Isharani at Triad Pediatric Dentistry a call today at (336) 282-7870 for an appointment.

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Triad Pediatric Dentistry
Rating : 5 5 Stars
Tahirah C.

My child been a patient here since she been able to start getting oral care. Ms.Isharani explain everything that is going on with your child oral care. I absolutely love this dentist office the staff here is always so pleasant and happy.

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Sona J. Isharani, DDS

Sona J. Isharani, DDS

Board-certified Pediatric Dentist Dr. Sona Isharani completed her undergraduate and graduate studies and received her dental degree from University of North Carolina, her certificate in Pediatric Dentistry from University of Maryland, and a Fellowship at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. She specializes in early infant oral dental care, exams, and prevention. She’s trusted by children and their parents.

Dr. Isharani is assisted by a team of professionals including a dental anesthesiologist, who keep the children of Greensboro, NC smiling.

Shima Ghattan, DMD, MPH

Shima Ghattan, DMD, MPH

Shima Ghattan, DMD, MPH, is a compassionate dentist who loves working with children. She pursued her education at North Carolina State University, earning degrees in Biological Sciences, Human Biology, and Nutrition Science. She earned her Doctor of Dental Medicine and a Master’s in Public Health at A.T. Still University - Arizona School of Dentistry.
Dr. Ghattan is known for her playful approach, making dental visits fun for kids. She is a trusted member of the American Dental Association, North Carolina Dental Society, and Delta Omega-Delta Gamma (Public Health Honorary Society).