Dentistry designed for children and lifelong oral health near High Point, NC
Dental disease affects more children than all other chronic childhood problems, including asthma, pediatric obesity, hay fever, and diabetes. It doesn’t have to be this way. Tooth- and gum-related problems are largely preventable, and can even be reversed in their earliest stages.

You’ve come to the right place to start your child’s oral health journey or to get it back on the right course. Dr. Sona combines a “mother’s touch” with demonstrated knowledge and experience, evidenced by her status as a Board-certified pediatric dentist. Triad Pediatric Dentistry offers authentic dentistry for children near High Point, NC; unlike other dentists in the Triad, treating pediatric patients is their specialty and all they do. The team genuinely loves to see children have the healthiest smiles – ones that they love to show off!
A healthy partnership
Education is a priority at Triad Pediatric Dentistry. It’s important to instill good habits from the start. These habits can then be carried on with children into adulthood. It’s equally important for parents and caregivers to instill their own good habits, and to know how to take care of young mouths when children don’t have the motor skills or ability to do it themselves. Even a toothless mouth needs to be properly cleaned, and baby teeth need care. Sure, they will fall out and make way for permanent teeth. But, without them, your child’s permanent teeth can’t grow in as they should. That may mean crooked, crowded teeth in the future, and the need for myofunctional or orthodontic care to straighten teeth and correct a poor bite. Baby teeth are also critical to proper development during the formative months and years; they aid in clear speech, assure that supportive muscles and bone develop appropriately, and provide structure for an attractive appearance. When children suffer from early decay and tooth loss, it’s difficult for them to chew their food comfortably and enjoy meals. They may develop an aversion to certain foods or reject options that are necessary for a healthy diet.
The lower front teeth are often the first ones you’ll notice. They typically erupt at around the six-month mark. Even before the first tooth comes in, you’ll want to clean baby’s gums with either a moist, soft cloth or a toothbrush with soft bristles. After a tooth comes in, it’s OK to dab a little smear of toothpaste on a soft, small brush for cleaning. By the time your child reaches his or her first birthday, Dr. Sona and the team will (ideally) have scheduled an infant oral exam. She likes to show you good hygiene techniques, and help break habits that can have long-term consequences for oral health (pacifying your baby with sugary fruit juices and milk is a no-no). Triad Pediatric Dentistry does all of this in a way that’s low-key and no-stress for you and your child. While he or she is sitting on your lap, Dr. Sona will check for any abnormalities that may need to be addressed with special and proactive care.
With more birthdays, your child’s needs and care evolve; for instance:
- By the time your child is two or three years old, all of the baby or primary teeth should be visible. These teeth can be cleaned with a pea-sized amount of fluoride-free toothpaste. Fluoride toothpaste can be introduced as soon as children are old enough to thoroughly spit it out, to avoid “eating” the paste or accidentally ingesting too much.
- Usually, by around the age of four, children outgrow habits such as persistent or aggressive thumb-sucking; however, prolonged sucking of fingers, pacifiers, and other objects can cause teeth to develop at an angle or to tip outward. Dr. Sona may recommend lightweight appliances that gently yet effectively prevent your child’s thumb from touching his or her gums, stopping this harmful habit.
- If baby teeth are lost prematurely, Lower Lingual Holding arch appliances retain the proper position of surrounding teeth, so they don’t “float” into the empty space. This proactive approach aids in proper development.
- Your child’s molars generally begin to appear around the age of six. At this point, Dr. Sona can help to reduce the risk of cavities with dental sealants. This fills in the nooks and crannies, protecting back teeth from the destructive, acidic combination of bacteria and sugars in foods and drinks.
Make your child’s oral health a priority and do the same for yourself – children mimic their parents’ behaviors! Dr. Sona’s special interests include behavioral management of pediatric patients. She welcomes your questions and concerns. Call (336) 282-7870 to schedule an appointment at the Triad Pediatric Dentistry office in Greensboro.
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