Why might Greensboro, NC area patients require a dental extraction?
Dr. Sona Isharani is a Board-certified pediatric dentist available to assist children in the Greensboro, NC area. Her practice is dedicated to offering a variety of treatments for families ready to address their child’s common dental concerns. There are sometimes situations in which a dental extraction may be recommended.

What is dental extraction?
Dental extraction is the removal of a baby or permanent tooth.
Simple extraction – simple extraction is performed on a tooth that is above the gum line. This makes it easier for the dentist to wedge the tooth out of the bone for quick and easy removal.
Why dental extractions?
It may seem concerning to remove a natural tooth. However, there are conditions which may occur within a child’s smile that may make it a smart decision to move forward with an extraction. When baby teeth are not coming out on their own and are causing adult teeth to fail to erupt, extractions may be necessary. Others may have teeth removed to prepare for orthodontic work.
Learn more today
If you believe your child could benefit from a dental extraction, contact Dr. Sona J. Isharani in Greensboro, NC. Her practice helps children with pediatric dental services that can bring their smile back to health and provide a proper foundation for a lifetime of beautiful smiles! Contact her by calling (336) 282-7870 or visit 2707-C Pinedale Road.
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