Dental care tips in Greensboro, NC for mama and baby
There is no time that is too soon to begin caring for your baby’s dental health. Dr. Sona Isharani and her team at Triad Pediatric Dentistry in Greensboro, NC encourage you to bring your child in for regular checkups starting as soon as their first primary (baby) tooth begins coming in.

Caring for your baby’s dental health
At birth, your baby’s primary, baby, teeth are already in the jaw and will begin breaking through the gums at around 4 to 6 months. This can very, but 4 to 6 months is a good average timetable. By the time your baby is three years of age, their full set of primary teeth (numbering 20!) will have surfaced. It’s at this time that mom and dad may start considering their baby’s first dental appointment, but this is far too late based on dental recommendations. As soon as that first tooth erupts, you should be looking into a pediatric dentist for baby’s first appointment.
Dr. Isharani takes incredible pride in parents choosing to bring their baby into her for that first checkup. For babies through children going through adolescence, the number one cause of tooth decay is children’s prolonged exposure to sugary food and drink paired with improper brushing techniques. Here are some common tips for avoiding tooth decay in babies:
- When bottle feeding, stick to plain water, milk, breast milk or formula and avoid sugary drinks such as sweetened water, fruit juice and soft drinks.
- When putting your baby to bed, never do so with a bottle. Even when a bottle is filled with non-sugary drinks such as breast milk or formula, it can still cause tooth decay.
- When using pacifiers, avoid coating it in sweeteners such as honey, even if it helps your baby take it.
- Avoid passing your saliva to the baby. This typically happens when a parent licks a spoon or pacifier before passing it to baby. Tooth decay bacteria can be passed this way from mother to baby and should be avoided.
Dr. Sona Isharani and her team at Triad Pediatric Dentistry in Greensboro, NC welcome all new parents and their children to an inviting, educational atmosphere. Whether it’s for a standard cleaning/exam or just to answer any questions that mom and dad may have, she would love to hear from you. Please give them a call at (336) 282-7870 today to schedule an appointment.
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